Initial Physiotherapy and Sports Injury assessment and treatment (allow up to one hour) - £45
Follow-up Physiotherapy and Sports Injury (3/4 hour) - £45
Massage/Sports Massage (3/4 hour) - £45
Saturday appointments - £55
Consultant/GP letters - Letters to Consultant or GPs requesting tests/investigations, etc are charged at £15 per letter.
Payment can be made by cash or electronic BACS transfer into the business account.
Lakeside Physiotherapy is a provider for most private health insurers (see below) and we will bill your provider at the end of treatment. Please note that those with an excess on their policy will be expected to pay for their treatment at each session until the excess limit is reached.
A 10% discount may be obtained by clients who wish to book a course of at least 4 sessions. Payment in full must be received before embarking upon the course and cancellations will be charged as per the policy outlined below.
Cancellation Policy
All non-attended appointments, or cancellations within 24 hours of appointments, will incur the full charge for the type of treatment booked. Please note this incudes those cancelling having tested positive for Covid-19.
Those cancelling appointments for a Monday clinic will need to give notice on the previous Friday of their intention to do so. Cancellations cannot be made over the weekend for the following Monday.
Cancellations may be made by e-mail, text or telephone. Non-attended appointment or cancellation fees incurred must be paid before any further attendance for treatment is permitted.